common risk factors of infertility in men and women

Why are so many women not able to conceive naturally? Today infertility seems to have become the norm with one out of every five couples facing challenges related to getting pregnant. A condition at one time that was a rare occurrence is now commonplace. Has the abundant lifestyle we now live put us at a higher risk for infertility?

There are some factors that automatically put you in a high-risk infertility category. While the risk levels of some of these conditions can be reversed others could have damaging effects, and one would need medical help for any chance of fertility.

Some of the things that are a fertility risk are the things that we do not even think about. However, it is time to look at the glaring truths of our lives.

  • Age:  Today's careers get first preference. Most couples live in nuclear homes, and their focus is on financially securing themselves. Family planning is a thought in the background that they will get around to at some point. Delayed parenthood is very common. Many modern couples only start thinking about having a child after they have crossed 35 or even closer to 40, when their careers are set on track.
  • Age affects a woman’s fertility health as the egg quality deteriorates. The follicles produce fewer eggs and of a poorer quality, which makes getting pregnant harder and the chances of miscarriage increases too.

  • Smoking:  The modern lifestyle is all about being cool, and smoking is considered a stress buster. Take a break and smoke a cigarette are synonymous in the corporate world today, but what about your health? Most people have no idea; they are walking into an infertility trap. It affects men and women.
  • Smoking has a direct role in damaging your fallopian tubes and your cervix. What more you are at higher risk for ectopic pregnancy and miscarriages. It is common knowledge that smoking ages you faster than your years. This holds true for your ovaries as well. It ages your ovaries, and they begin depleting the eggs prematurely.

    For men, smoking reduces sperm quality, but men have the advantage of producing fresh sperms. So men who stop smoking can improve their sperm within 3 months.

  • Weight:  The junk food trend and the sedentary lifestyle have resulted in many women becoming obese. Gone are the days of fresh vegetables and home-cooked meals. On the other hand, we have the extremely health-conscious women who are scared even to eat lest they put on weight. Being underweight is as bad for fertility as being obese.
  • Weight affects your ovulation, and it is imperative to ovulate normally to get pregnant. Maintaining a healthy BMI is essential for good fertility health.

  • Sexual history:  Promiscuity is rampant now, but one needs to be cautious as sexually transmitted diseases are also on the rise. Unprotected sex with different partners puts you at a higher risk for infections. Some of these infections could lead to infertility. Some sexually transmitted diseases (STD) like gonorrhoea and chlamydia are common and dangerous. They can affect your fallopian tubes and cause major damage to your fertility.
  • Alcohol:  Today, drinking is no longer a social act. Many couples feel that it is relaxing to have a few drinks in the evening at home to relax and unwind after a tiring day. Alcohol does affect fertility and should be consumed in moderation.
  • Too much alcohol can affect your menstrual cycle. Women who drink regularly tend to have irregular menstruation. The consumption of alcohol can also prevent ovulation. To save your fertility, you need to keep your alcohol consumption low.

    Fertility risks are a part of our life, and we need to be more conscientious of it. Most people do not realise that it is their lifestyle choices that are leading to infertility rather than some unknown external factors.