Fertility Clinic : Best IVF Center & Hospital | Medicover Fertility

S.No. ICSI Treatment Cost Cost
1 Package including ICSI Rs.110000 to Rs.130000
Exclusions& & &
2 Medicines Rs.50000 to Rs.70000
3 Blastocyst & Rs.18000 to Rs.21000
4 Laser Hatching Rs.18000 to Rs.21000
5 Embryo Glue Rs.14000 to Rs.16000

So the complete ICSI Treatment Cost in India can vary between Rs. 2 to 2.5 lakh INR.

ICSI Cost in India: A& Comprehensive Guide

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a& specialized form of in vitro fertilization (IVF) used to treat male infertility. It involves the injection of a& single sperm directly into an egg to fertilize it, followed by embryo transfer. While it can be a& highly effective treatment for certain couples, the cost of ICSI can be a& barrier for many. In this article, we will explore the cost of ICSI in India, including treatment cost, average expenses, and factors affecting the overall cost.

ICSI Treatment Cost

The cost of ICSI treatment can vary significantly depending on a& variety of factors. Some of the factors that can influence the cost of ICSI include the clinic, location, the number of cycles required, and any additional services needed. The cost of ICSI treatment can range anywhere from INR 100,000 to INR 300,000 per cycle in India. However, this cost does not include other expenses such as medication, diagnostics, or consultation fees.

ICSI Cost in India

Compared to many other countries, the cost of ICSI in India is relatively affordable. This is due to a& combination of factors, including lower overhead costs, access to advanced technologies, and a& competitive market. The cost of ICSI in India is approximately 30-40% lower than in the United States or Europe. Additionally, India is home to many well-regarded fertility clinics, which have helped establish the country as a& popular destination for medical tourism.

Factors Affecting ICSI Cost

Several factors can influence the cost of ICSI treatment in India. Firstly, the location of the clinic can play a& significant role. Clinics in major cities tend to charge higher fees due to higher overhead costs, while clinics in smaller towns or rural areas may offer more affordable rates. Additionally, the experience and expertise of the fertility specialist performing the procedure can impact the cost. Clinics with highly experienced and reputable doctors may charge more than others.


ICSI is often used in combination with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to increase the chances of a& successful pregnancy. The cost of ICSI IVF can vary depending on the number of cycles required, the clinic, and the location. The cost of ICSI IVF treatment in India ranges from INR 150,000 to INR 500,000 per cycle, which includes the cost of both ICSI and IVF. Additional expenses such as medication, consultations, and diagnostics are not included in this cost.


In conclusion, the cost of ICSI treatment in India is relatively affordable compared to many other countries. While the overall cost can vary depending on several factors, including the clinic, location, and the number of cycles required, the average cost of ICSI treatment in India ranges from INR 100,000 to INR 300,000 per cycle. Additionally, the cost of ICSI IVF ranges from INR 150,000 to INR 500,000 per cycle, which includes the cost of both ICSI and IVF. If you are considering ICSI treatment in India, it is important to do your research, consult with a& reputable fertility specialist, and factor in all of the associated costs. With the right planning, you can make an informed decision and achieve your dream of starting a& family.